TWSA706 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report


Revised by Auditing Standards Committee in Taiwan on 4 October, 2022


This Standard deals with additional communication in the auditor’s report when the auditor considers it necessary to:

(a) Draw users’ attention to a matter or matters presented or disclosed in the financial statements that are of such importance that they are fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements; or

(b) Draw users’ attention to any matter or matters other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements that are relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report.

If the auditor considers it necessary to draw users’ attention to a matter presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditor’s judgment, is of such importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements, the auditor shall include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report provided:

(a) The auditor would not be required to modify the opinion in accordance with TWSA705 as a result of the matter; and

(b) When TWSA701 applies, the matter has not been determined to be a key audit matter to be communicated in the auditor’s report.

When the auditor includes an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall:

(a) Include the paragraph within a separate section of the auditor’s report with an appropriate heading that includes the term “Emphasis of Matter”;

(b) Include in the paragraph a clear reference to the matter being emphasized and to where relevant disclosures that fully describe the matter can be found in the financial statements. The paragraph shall refer only to information presented or disclosed in the financial statements; and

(c) Indicate that the auditor’s opinion is not modified in respect of the matter emphasized.

If the auditor considers it necessary to communicate a matter other than those that are presented or disclosed in the financial statements that, in the auditor’s judgment, is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report, the auditor shall include an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, provided:

(a) This is not prohibited by law or regulation; and

(b) The matter has not been determined to be a key audit matter to be communicated in the auditor’s report.

When the auditor includes an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall include the paragraph within a separate section with the heading “Other Matter,” or other appropriate heading.

The placement of an Emphasis of Matter paragraph or Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report depends on the nature of the information to be communicated, and the auditor’s judgment as to the relative significance of such information to intended users compared to other elements required to be reported in accordance with TWSA700.

If the auditor expects to include an Emphasis of Matter or an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance regarding this expectation and the wording of this paragraph.

Effective date

This Standard is effective from 15 December, 2022.

  Address: 20th. F., No.17, Sec.1, Chengde Rd., Taipei, Taiwan Tel:886-2-2549-0549
Copyright(c) Accounting Research and Development Foundation in Taiwan